How to Prioritize Your Health in 2023

Hi everyone! After going on a bit of a blogging hiatus last year to plan my wedding, get married, and get back into the swing of regular life, I’m excited to get back to my blog! I’m dedicating my first post to my 2023 goal: making my health a priority.

Last year, my focus was on planning and paying for our beautiful wedding. Now that the vendors have been paid, our wedding day has come and gone, and our apartment no longer looks like a bridal expo exploded in it, I’m ready to get back into a regular routine. Planning a wedding while working full time consumed a lot of my time. It also came with a hefty price tag. As a result, I had less time and money to dedicate to other areas of my life. My healthy habits in particular took a hit.

Moving forward, I want to get back into a healthy lifestyle. I linked a few of the items I mention in this post if you want to check them out. I may earn a small commission if you purchase through the links. This is at no additional cost to you, and it helps support this blog!

Scheduling Doctor’s Visits

Seeing a doctor regularly is important to your health

it’s always best to start with a visit to your doctor before starting a new exercise regime, trying a new diet, or any other major life changes. It’s also important to get checked out regularly to prevent major health issues. My health insurance didn’t start until February of last year. By then, I was consumed with scheduling venue tours and budgeting for florals. It was hard to fit doctor appointments into my schedule, and I wasn’t sure how much I’d pay in total for co-pays. This year, I’m prioritizing visits to medical professionals. I found a primary care doctor nearby where we live. I’ll be seeing my eye doctor in the summer once my daily contacts run out. My next step is to find a dentist. It can seem daunting to find a doctor and schedule appointments, but it’s so important to make sure professionals are monitoring your health.


Using dumbbells regularly can improve your health

I’ll admit I was inconsistent about exercising while wedding planning. Then once the wedding was over, I pretty much just let myself go. I made more than my fair share of excuses: I needed the extra sleep in the mornings, holidays always involve eating more, and I’d change my ways in the new year. That attitude definitely took a toll on my physical and mental health. I know I need to improve this in 2023.

The most effective exercise routine is one that you can stay committed to. Find a type of exercise that makes you feel good, and promise yourself you’ll stick to it for at least a month. At that point, you’ll either have developed a great habit, or you’ve ruled out a type of exercise you’re not interested in. Exercise classes are a great start because there’s an instructor to guide you and make sure you don’t get hurt, and they give you an added dose of accountability by adding in other people. Grabbing a friend is another way to stay committed to a new exercise routine and take away some of the fear of trying something new.

Ideally, you should try to mix cardio and strength training in some way. Cardio workouts can be walking, running, biking, the elliptical, or any sustained form of constant movement. It can help you burn fat, increase your energy, reduce health risks you may be at risk for, improve your heart health, and boost your mood. Strength training can be done with just your body weight, resistance bands, dumbbells, or weight machines. Its benefits also include helping with weight loss as well as improving bone strength, balance and posture, and cognitive abilities. You’ll gain the maximum benefits of exercising by combining these two styles of exercise.

Eating Better

Eating well is important for your health.

My husband and I had our honeymoon at an all-inclusive resort. We ate A LOT of good food! Then when we got back, it was Thanksgiving. Then it was Christmas. In between, we were busy cleaning and preparing for the next big holiday. That led to a lot of takeout orders. We both want to eat better this year.

If you want to see the benefits of the time you put in at the gym, you have to make sure you’re fueling your body properly. Eating a caloric deficit (meaning you eat less calories than you burn) will help you to achieve the weight loss goals you set for yourself. However, you can’t just eat less. You need to make sure you’re fueling your body with the proper nutrients it needs.

One way I’m trying to improve the quality of my meals is to limit the number of times we eat out. Part of the reason we eat out so much is that I loathe having to plan out meals for the week, put together a grocery list for multiple recipes, and then spend tons of time in a busy grocery store. My husband and I decided to sign up for HelloFresh to try to alleviate some of that stress and cut down on the amount of takeout we order. We spend less time at the grocery store, the ingredients are fresh, the recipes come together quickly and taste great, and I know how many calories I’ll be consuming each night. HelloFresh has been a huge upgrade at dinnertime!

HelloFresh also helps me plan my daily calorie consumption. Knowing how many calories I’ll eat at dinner allows me to plan out how many calories I can allocate to the other meals I have in a day. If you’re interested in trying HelloFresh, check out this link (and get a free week of meals)!

Hydrating Properly

Drinking enough water is good for your health

Keeping your body hydrated is vital to staying healthy. If you take your weight (in pounds) and divide it by 2, that is how many ounces of liquid you should be consuming in a day. There are plenty of apps to help you track how much you’re drinking. Some even remind you to drink something throughout the day.

Water is the best way to hydrate. If plain water isn’t something you enjoy, you can always try water additives to give your water some flavor. I like to keep a tumbler at my desk at work so I don’t have to remember to bring a water bottle each day. Coffee technically counts towards your daily liquid intake, but try to limit how much sugar gets added to it, and have it in moderation so it doesn’t impact you in other areas, like sleep. Alcohol, on the other hand, is going to dehydrate you far more than hydrate you. There are so many benefits to limiting your alcohol consumption. Monitoring what you’re drinking in a day is a great way to get your health back on track.

Standing More

Have you heard that sitting is the new smoking? Studies have shown that prolonged periods of inactivity can lead to a myriad of health issues. Even just a minute of standing up and moving around a bit can improve your health. If you use an Apple Watch, the Fitness app tracks how often you’re on your feet. It can also remind you to stand within each hour. You can also set an hourly reminder on your phone to stand up for a little bit throughout the day.

Another great way to get on your feet more is with a standing desk. Standing desks can improve your posture, reduce back pain, and improve your energy throughout the day. Some desks are specifically designed to be used while standing while others are just a device that can be added on top of a regular desk. You can also pair a standing desk with a walking pad to get a few more steps in during the day. Walking pads are basically an under-the-desk treadmill that you walk on slowly while you work. I haven’t tried one yet, but everyone I’ve talked to who uses one loves them! Finding creative ways to get on your feet more during the day is a great way to improve your health!


Getting quality sleep will improve your health

It is vital to get enough sleep. But sometimes the only hours you have to yourself are in the early morning or late at night. This is where having a routine can be the key to maximizing your day. Figure out whether you want to enjoy some “me time” in the morning or evenings, and plan your sleep schedule accordingly.

Quality sleep is another important factor to getting a good night’s rest. First off, start with good quality bedding. Find pillows that support your neck and head. We got a set from the Martha Stewart collection that we really like. We also use satin pillowcases. They’re phenomenal at keeping us cool, and they provide tons of benefits to your skin and hair! Next are sheets. I got a set of Peachskin Sheets in law school, and I’ve never used anything else since. They’re so soft and they keep you from overheating in the middle of the night. Finally, choose blankets that keep you cozy without making you overheat. I personally love weighted blankets and heavy comforters, while my husband prefers fleece blankets. Making your bed your sanctuary can really improve your sleep!

Falling asleep and staying asleep can also be a challenge. I try to set a nightly reminder for myself to take melatonin in the evening so it has time to kick in when I go to bed. Playing calming sounds or ASMR videos is a great way to settle into your slumber. Keeping your room dark, cool, and having limited noises in the night will help you stay asleep. Getting quality sleep will greatly improve your health!


Self-care is an important step in your health

The final step in improving your health is simply to take care of yourself. Self-care looks different to everyone, but it basically means to listen to what your body needs, take care of it, and appreciate where it’s at. Some days your body needs more rest, other days it may need some tough love, but every day your body needs your compassion. It got you through to where you are now, and it’s going to take you to incredible places. Take the time to pamper yourself, enjoy your hobbies, and spend time doing things that make you genuinely happy.

These are all the things I’ll be working on this year as I strive to improve my health. What are some goals you have for 2023?

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